What is science if it denies consciousness? What is technology if it is severed from dharma? In the worldview of Sanātana Dharma, science and technology were never divorced from philosophy, ethics, and metaphysics. Unlike the mechanistic reductionism of modern materialist paradigms, the Indic approach to knowledge (jñāna) recognizes the universe as a living, conscious entity (chaitanya). From Vedic astronomy (Jyotiṣa) to metallurgy, from architecture (Vāstu Śāstra) to Ayurveda, Sanātana Dharma envisions science not as a conquest of nature, but as a harmonious unfolding of ṛta—the cosmic order.
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Pedagogical Methods in the Sanātana Dharma
What is knowledge if it is not examined? What is truth if it is not tested? The Indic traditions of logic (Nyāya), Tarka, and Mīmāṁsā, Vedānta, Bauddha, Jaina, and others do not treat learning as passive reception but as an active pursuit of truth through rigorous questioning. Unlike the Western dialectical approach that thrives on opposition and refutation, the Bhāratīya tradition seeks to refine, synthesize, and ultimately transcend intellectual divisions to reach the highest pramāṇa—valid knowledge. The educational frameworks of Sanātana Dharma, rooted in these systems of logic, are designed to nurture both the mind and spirit, creating not just scholars, but thinkers capable of deep introspection, debate, and transcendence.
Literature in Vernacular Indian Languages
The literature of India has a rich and diverse history, deeply rooted in its vernacular languages. For centuries, literary works have been composed in a variety of regional languages, each reflecting the unique culture, history, and socio-political realities of the respective communities. While Sanskrit, Persian, and Arabic were dominant in the literary traditions during specific historical periods, the vernacular languages began to flourish significantly in the medieval and modern eras. Vernacular literature in India represents a democratization of literary expression, allowing a wider spectrum of society to access, engage with, and contribute to the literary canon. The evolution of this literature is inextricably linked to the social, cultural, and political landscapes of India, with its impact being felt across multiple aspects of Indian life. Below are several research topics on literature in vernacular Indian languages.
Comparative Study of Religions: East and West
The comparative study of religions is an academic discipline that explores the similarities and differences among religious traditions. By examining the rich diversity of spiritual paths and philosophical systems across cultures, scholars can better understand the universal aspects of human religious experience as well as the unique characteristics of specific traditions. This subject holds particular significance when comparing the religious landscapes of the East and West, which have distinct historical, cultural, and philosophical foundations. The juxtaposition of Eastern and Western religious traditions can offer profound insights into how different societies approach ultimate questions regarding existence, the divine, morality, and the nature of the self. The following topics provide a starting point for research papers in the comparative study of Eastern and Western religions.
Revisionist and Revivalist Movements
Indian religious and cultural traditions have been shaped and reshaped by numerous reformative, revisionist, and revivalist movements throughout history. These movements emerged in response to changing social, political, and cultural conditions, and often sought to reinterpret, reclaim, or revitalize aspects of India’s rich spiritual and philosophical heritage. They have been instrumental in reshaping Indian society, challenging orthodoxy, and reimagining the relationship between tradition and modernity. While revivalist movements typically seek to preserve or return to ancient practices, revisionist movements aim to critically reassess and reinterpret traditional beliefs and practices in light of contemporary issues. Below are several significant topics for research on revisionist and revivalist movements within the Indian tradition.
Commentarial Works upon Sanātana Dharma
What is scripture if it is not understood? What is wisdom if it is not elucidated? The vast corpus of Śāstras and Itihāsas in Sanātana Dharma are not mere texts—they are living, breathing revelations that demand continual interpretation. Brahman is vast, and the Vedas too profound to be comprehended in a single moment or by a single mind. The Bhashyas, Tīkās, and commentaries are not secondary to the sacred texts; they are integral to their unfolding, acting as bridges between the eternal truths and the seeker’s evolving consciousness. In this tradition, interpretation is not an imposition of the interpreter’s views, but a method to uncover deeper layers of meaning, allowing the timeless wisdom of the Vedas and Upanishads to remain relevant and transformative across the ages
Temples and Architecture
What is a building if it does not house the divine? What is a structure if it does not reflect the cosmos? Temples in Sanātana Dharma are not just places of worship; they are the very embodiment of divine geometry, spiritual energy, and cosmic order. Every temple is an architectural symphony—each pillar, each carving, each space designed with metaphysical significance to facilitate the union of the human and the divine. Unlike the sterile, utilitarian spaces of Western architecture, Indian temples are living sanctuaries, where form and function merge into transcendental experiences. They are both physical and spiritual laboratories, where rituals, art, and the science of vastu (cosmic architecture) converge to create a space that nurtures the soul.
Indian Art and Aesthetics
Indian art and aesthetics represent a rich and complex tradition that spans thousands of years and reflects the diverse cultural, religious, and philosophical landscapes of the subcontinent. Rooted in both material craftsmanship and spiritual expression, Indian art has evolved over time, influencing and being influenced by various dynasties, religious movements, and social changes. Indian aesthetics, guided by ancient philosophical systems like the Nāṭya Śāstra and Sāṃkhya philosophy, has offered profound insights into the relationship between beauty, form, and the transcendental. This field encompasses a wide range of artistic forms, including visual arts, architecture, sculpture, dance, music, literature, and performance. The following research topics provide an in-depth exploration of Indian art and aesthetics:
Indian Folklore, Folk Music and Folk Studies
Indian folklore and folk music are central to the cultural fabric of the subcontinent, serving as vehicles for storytelling, identity formation, and the transmission of knowledge across generations. Rooted in the oral traditions of various communities, these practices embody the lived experiences, social structures, and values of the people who create and preserve them. From mythological tales and heroic epics to devotional hymns and regional music traditions, Indian folklore and folk music are not just artistic expressions but also represent the collective wisdom, history, and philosophy of the diverse societies in India. The study of these elements, known as Folk Studies, is an interdisciplinary field that explores how folk narratives, songs, and traditions function in both traditional and contemporary contexts. Below are several important texts related to Indian folklore, folk music, and folk studies upon which research papers are invited:
Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) & related domains
What is knowledge if it does not lead to the realization of the Self? What is truth if it is not lived? Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) are not isolated disciplines—they are a vast, interconnected network of intellectual, spiritual, and experiential traditions that together weave the fabric of Sanātana Dharma. Unlike the fragmented and compartmentalized approach to knowledge seen in the West, IKS view knowledge as an integrated whole—where dharma, artha, kāma, and moksha form the four essential pillars of human existence, guiding individuals not only in their intellectual pursuits but in their ethical, emotional, and spiritual development.